Feb 4, 2010

The earth says HELLO!

There was once in my life where I was filled with people who were actually looking forward to their lives. We were young, fresh but most of all, ready. They say its a beautiful world out there but I am just not feeling it right now. I don't know if being here, this life, this time, this age, this feeling is just another phase. Because, like most, I've been through many phases and somehow I can't come up with any good advices when I am asked. I don't know why.

Sometimes I feel like an idiot, being pessimistic at such a young age. I should be out there, tasting life, taking up challenges. But I am just not feeling it and I am not sure if I want it. I feel like I have been through all that when I haven't. Well, at least, not enough.

Sometimes, I wish my life is all planned out. Don't care if its boring or not. Facing with uncertainties is one of the worst crap you can come across. Everything is a wonder. Everything is about waiting. You're neither here nor there. You're nowhere. And time is sometimes like a pressure because you want to get somewhere and you don't want to wait because you're sick of being here, being lost and seeing others moving forward and you're here, still just here.

I am not much of a risk taker. Not with my life, I'm not. But I am not careful either. If I am, I am quite sure I won't be here, typing out all these feelings.

Mr Willy Wonka said, "The earth says HELLO!"
I wish I could say hello back.